Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Edgar Allan Poe s The Raven - 1366 Words

The series of unfortunate events that Edgar Allan Poe experienced in his lifetime are what influenced his writing. His poetry heavily reflects the built-up emotions that he carried within himself. He repeatedly dealt with loss, rejection, and poverty throughout his entire life. When his wife, Virginia, was deathly ill, Poe wrote his poem, â€Å"The Raven†, in which the reader can observe the speaker slowly fall into madness while grieving the death of his love, similar to Poe’s own experiences. Poe’s life seems to have been cursed from the beginning. He was born in Boston in 1809. His parents were travelling actors and extremely poor. Two years after Poe was born, his father, David Poe Jr., abandoned the family. Poe’s mother, Elizabeth Poe,†¦show more content†¦This theory can be supported by the fact that Poe’s birth mother passed away before he was old enough to know her, and his foster mother, Frances Allan, was never quite the mother fi gure that Poe needed as a young boy, so when he met the young, kind, beautiful Jane Stannard, he was subconsciously drawn to her mother-like qualities because she temporarily filled a void that Poe had within himself. In addition to this belief, Poe’s aunt, Maria Clemm, later wrote â€Å"It is true dear Eddie did love Mrs. Stannard with all the affection and devotion of a son. When he was unhappy at home (which was very often the case) he went to her for sympathy, and she always consoled and comforted him.. Whatever the relationship really was, it is certain that Poe was deeply affected by her death, which occurred after a year of him knowing her. This love inspired Poe (later on in his life) to write the poem â€Å"To Helen†, which was dedicated to Jane. In the poem, the speaker compares Helen’s beauty to ships that saved a man who is lost at sea, a â€Å"weary way-worn wanderer†, which is who he is comparing himself to. In 1825, Allan got back on his f eet when received a large inheritance from an uncle, and did not name Poe as his heir. With the increase of Allan’s success came the increase of struggle for Poe. At seventeen, Poe attended the University of Virginia and built up a debt of over two-thousand dollars in a matter of months. Poe began beggingShow MoreRelatedEdgar Allan Poe s The Raven944 Words   |  4 Pagesto display the evils of humanity. Edgar Allan Poe, American Gothic poet, often wrote unsettling and dark poetry marrying the natural and supernatural in order to demonstrate difficult to grasp human emotions such as grief or depression. Poe’s The Raven is a powerful, yet dark piece of poetry that utilizes rhyme, meter, and symbolism to entertain fans of Gothic literature and completely pull them into the drama of the piece. In the opening stanzas of The Raven, Poe establishes the tone of the poemRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe s The Raven2149 Words   |  9 PagesEdgar Allan Poe is considered one of the greatest literary writers, but he was highly under-appreciated during his time, Poe was constantly looked down upon and suffered a bad reputation due to rumors created by authors who disliked him. Poe was seen as arrogant, mad, and a melancholy man who had no friends and spent his time drinking and using drugs. Poe s success came when The Raven was published in 1845, â€Å"†¦though it made Poe popular in his day, it did not bring him significant financial successRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe s The Raven Essay1642 Words   |  7 PagesAn Analysis of Edgar Allan Poe’s The Raven Death. A strong topic, frequently but solemnly discussed. However, when I read Edgar Allan Poe’s â€Å"The Raven†, I was immediately captivated by the new angle brought to my attention regarding death. While the topic of death is usually associated with either sympathy or horror, Poe succeeded in portraying a feeling caught between the two; and at the same time bringing forth new feelings I would never thought to consider regarding death. These feelings reflectRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe s The Raven2600 Words   |  11 Pagesone of the world s most difficult forms of art. Many poets live throughout their lives and are never recognized for their achievements in their community. Edgar Allan Poe is one of the world s most renowned poets and wrote mainly in the form of poets and short stories. Some of Poe s most renown poems include The Raven, Annabel Lee. The poem The Raven deals with problems such as insanity and grief and the poem Annabel Lee deals with problems of grief a nd young love. Edgar Allan Poe wrote a lot aboutRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe s The Raven1464 Words   |  6 Pagesstarts† Edgar Allan Poe one of America s best known poet, and author who became mad in the sense of insanity after his wife Virginia died of Tuberculous. This made Poe spiral into a deep depression which he wouldn’t be able to get himself out of because of the loss of his beloved Virginia. Poe had a very difficult, strange life, and a writing style like no one had ever seen before and that is what led him to be one of America’s most famous poets, and author. â€Å"The Raven† is what made Poe the wellRead MoreAnalysis Of Edgar Allan Poe s The Raven 1602 Words   |  7 PagesJadon Vanderslice. Ms. Glass English 1213 5 February 2017 Poe Edgar Allan Poe, arguably one of the best poets ever, has wrote many great and deep-meaning poems, such as â€Å"Annabel Lee,† and â€Å"Dream Within a Dream.† Both putting off a rather dark image and goth-like elements, a way of writing Poe loved best. Mostly known for â€Å"The Raven†, Poe’s Poems all have real deep and mysterious meanings that make people think a bit more to figure it out. The way he expressed terror, the suspense, the heighteningRead MoreAnalysis Of Edgar Allan Poe s The Raven1232 Words   |  5 Pages Edgar Allan Poe: The Raven Literature is a very powerful tool that is used to make a huge impact on society or in someone’s perspective. As complex as the world, literature can appear in many forms using unique vernacular that expresses human endeavors. In some cases, social reform is Transcendentalism is an American literary, philosophical movement, promoting the idea of independent progress. The central idea is the optimistic viewpoint of humanity. People, men and women equally, have knowledgeRead MoreAn Analysis Of Edgar Allan Poe s The Raven1954 Words   |  8 Pagesauthors, Edgar Allan Poe, Anne Bradstreet, and Emily Dickinson, had poems in which they explored the common theme of death. Their unique views on death, as reflected in their poems, tells us of the different ways people looked at death during their respective times. In this essay, I will explore and explain three poems of Edgar Allan Poe, and one from Anne Bradstreet and Emily Dickinson respectively, and then compare the differences between the three authors. In Edgar Allan Poe’s The Raven, he usesRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe s The Raven788 Words   |  4 Pages Edgar Allan Poe is one of the most successful writers of all time. Twelve of Poe’s works are known for their literary construction. The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe is one of the most famous poems in history and was first published in 1845. This is a poem that many readers may describe as dark, twisted, and even scary can be oddly moving and eye catching. What were the meanings in his masterpiece, and what did Poe want his readers to understand? Poe’s literary work The Raven shows literary elementsRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe s The Raven And The Black Cat1225 Words   |  5 Pagesthe father of the modern horror story, Edgar Allan Poe was previously viewed as a drunken failure. Within Poe’s writings much of his own life riddled with guilt, anxiety, alcohol, depression and death shines through resulting in works that appear unrelated yet once dissected prove simil ar. This is true for Poe’s works â€Å"The Raven† and â€Å"The Black Cat†. Poe’s examples of gothic fiction share the use of the color black and a rapid digression of the narrator s sanity while seemingly unveiling Poe’s internal

Monday, December 16, 2019

Starbucks’ Mission Aligned with Its Strategies Free Essays

Is Starbucks’ Mission (vision, goals, objectives) aligned with its strategies? Analyze Starbucks based on the strategic process outline and write a five page paper answering the preceding question. As I drove to work this morning, I decided to make a slight detour from my normal route to get a cup of morning goodness in the form of fresh coffee. I could have stopped off at the corner convenience store, smelt gasoline being pumped and the ring-a-ding-ding of the slot machines that frequent just about every Las Vegas establishment, but I was looking for a little more something. We will write a custom essay sample on Starbucks’ Mission: Aligned with Its Strategies or any similar topic only for you Order Now I decided to drive an extra 30 seconds out of my way to go to an establishment that I knew would provide outstanding quality coffee, serve it with a smile, and provide an environment that was classy and warm. I decided to go to Starbucks. As I walked in, I smelt the fresh coffee grounds and heard a catchy song on the stereo. When the gal behind the counter greeted me with a big smile and asked, â€Å"What can I get started for you? † I knew I had made the right decision. The Starbucks corporation has done an outstanding job since 1970 with the execution of it’s strategicprocess resulting in it currently owning 40% of the specialty coffee market and boosting annual sales exceeding $7 billion according to an article published by Burt Helm. Figure 1. Strategic Management Tasks According to the courseware there are five steps to be accomplished in the Strategic Management Process. See Figure 1 above. The one essential area that this graph excludes however is analysis. I will include this step in the following discussion. Mission Statement From the Starbucks website we find that the Starbucks’ mission statement is, â€Å"Establish Starbucks as the premier purveyor of the finest coffee in the world while maintaining our uncompromising principles while we grow†. The website goes on to say â€Å"the mission is more than words on a piece of paper but rather a philosophy that guides how we do business every day. † While the later half appears to be fluff and corporate jargon, it is actually relevant in the way the Starbucks conducts business daily. With this mission statement they have determined who they are and what they intend to do. Breaking it down further we find that the key market is the coffee market, the contribution is to be the premier purveyor of the finest coffee, and that the distinction is doing all of this while maintaining their uncompromising principles. I will state the uncompromising principles as part of the objective area to follow. Analysis Starbucks knows that it is not in this market alone. In fact in some areas of the world it is already slightly behind. According to caterersearch. com, â€Å"in the UK Starbucks has been usurped by Costa Coffee as the UK’s largest coffee shop operator, with 24. % (540 stores) compared to 24. 7% (555) for the Whitbread-owned chain†. The article went on to say that the market continues to have huge growth, exceeding 15% per year. The courseware introduced one method of analyzing the market known as SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats). It was interesting to find the following chart, Figure 2, located in the Datamonitor Starb ucks Corporation Company Profile. Figure 2. Starbucks SWOT Analysis This SWOT analysis invariably helped Starbucks with the next phase of the strategy process, that of objective setting. Setting Objectives As mentioned earlier, Starbucks mission statement eludes to uncompromising principles. According to the Starbucks. com, these principles include: 1. Provide a great work environment and treat each other with respect and dignity. 2. Embrace diversity as an essential component in the way we do business. 3. Apply the highest standards of excellence to the purchasing, roasting and fresh delivery of our coffee. 4. Develop enthusiastically satisfied customers all of the time. 5. Contribute positively to our communities and our environment. 6. Recognize that profitability is essential to our future success. While the Corporation calls these principles, and they are principles indeed, they also use these principles as a set of objectives from which they conduct their daily operations. A final objective that has recently come about from the Corporate Chairman Howard Schultz, is to ensure that the company does not forget its roots as it attempts to continue to grow. Schultz is aggressive. According to a Business Week article by Burt Helm, he would like to triple annual sales up to $23 billion by the year 2012, and almost quadruple the number ofStarbucks stores globally. This is smart. He sees the strengths and opportunities of the SWOT analysis above and wants to expound on his global presence and take advantage of the continual 14-15% annual growth of the market. Schultz also knows that there are slowing US retail sales however. To counteract this he intends to preserve the old world feel of a coffee bistro. In order to keep up with the demand, Starbucks has had to modernize some of its procedures. Helm states that the company has had to sacrifice some of the old world feel and incorporate the use of automatic espresso machines, vacuum sealed bags of coffee, CDs, and so on. Schultz wants to minimize the watering down of what he calls â€Å"The Starbucks Experience†. This is difficult in today’s society in which most businesses attempt to get consumers in and out as quickly as possible and customers expect and demand the same, a phenomena known as â€Å"The McDonaldization of Society†. Implementation and Execution of the Strategy Starbucks has implemented the principles and goals into daily operations. Looking through page after page of the Starbucks website, it is evident that the corporation has internalized these principles and uses them as guidelines. Providing a great work environment hashappened in a number of ways. Starbucks provides employees with training and education. One program listed on the Starbucks website is called, â€Å"Learning to Lead†. In this program employees learn effective management practices. Another employee programis â€Å"Business and Communication† in which workers are offered a variety of classes to aid in their management skills. These programs allow for advancement and a sense of accomplishment by employees. They added together with company benefits are attempts by Starbucks to foster a friendly work environment. Diversity is accomplished through the hiring process. Starbucks knows that it is important that every voice is heard, and in which employees strive to learn about one another. In doing this, the company ensures that no group of potential customers are alienated. Starbucks applies the highest standards in freshly delivered coffee in a couple of ways. According to the company home page, Starbucks works with suppliers and farmers daily in an attempt to sustain high quality coffee production. In addition to this, a program known as â€Å"Coffee Education† was put into effect in which employees learn the finer nuances of coffee, from aroma to taste, and as a result are better able to speak to customers about the gourmet products. The intent of this according to Helm, is to share Starbucks’ passion for coffee and to make the coffee industry more like the wine industry. If Starbucks is able to make its customers connoisseurs of coffee, it can then stock and sellhigh end coffee for up to $28 per pound. Starbucks knows that competitors such as McDonald’s, Dunkin Donuts, or even the corner convenience store can’t compete in this niche of the market. Starbucks has had success with ensuring that coffee drinking is an experience. According to Jeneanne Rae, â€Å"80% of Starbucks’ revenues come from customers who visit their stores an average of 18 times a month†. This statistic alone tells us that the company is keeping its customers happy. The nice lighting, the plush furniture, the smooth music all aid in this endeavor. Rae goes on to say, â€Å"people will gladly pay more for an experience that is not only functional but also emotionally rewarding†. Simply put, I could go to the corner store and get a cup of coffee for $. 5 and get my caffeine shot for the day. In this process however I may feel like I’m missing out on the finer things in life, â€Å"The Starbucks Experience†. As a result, I will go out of my way, pay $2 for a cup of coffee, and feel more satisfied. Starbucks also strives to contribute positively to its communities and surrounding environments. It strives to be a friendly gathe ring place for locals. According to its website, Starbucks supports local organizations with cash and contributions as well as promotes art, culture, education, and environmental awareness. The final goal of Starbucks is to be profitable and promote future success. It does this through taking care of its stakeholders. The Starbucks Code of Ethics for CEO and Finance Leaders states, â€Å"I am charged with ensuring that stake holders interests are appropriately balanced, protected and preserved†. All corporate decisions are made with the preceding oath in mind. Starbucks will continue to have success in the coffee market due to its strongstrategy. From vision statement, through SWOT, to implementation, and finally the execution of daily operations, it has been a synergistic effort. This process has culminated in what has been coined, â€Å"The Starbucks Experience†. Customers will take a five minute detour, just as I did this morning, to be greeted with a warm smile, receive a piping hot cup of java, all in a clean quant old world feel environment. Howard Schultz and his crew are well on their way to achieving their goals of 40,000 stores and $23. 2 billion in sales by the year 2012. REFERENCES Datamonitor Starbucks Corporations Company Profile, 25 Jan 2005. Retrieved 20 July 2007 from, http://www. investor. reuters. om/data/files/Company%20Profile%20Sample%20for%20Reuters. pdf Helm, Burt. 9 Apr 2007. SAVING STARBUCKS’ SOUL; Chairman Howard Schultz is on a mission to take his company back to its roots. Oh, yeah-he also wants to triple sales in five years. Business Week. Retrieved 20 July 2007 from http://proquest. umi. com/pqdweb? index=44=1252343951=3=1=3=PROD=PQD=309=PQD=1184944744=29440=1 Keel, Robert. 10 July 2007. The McDonaldization of Socie ty. Retrieved on 20 July 2007 from, http://www. umsl. du/~keelr/010/mcdonsoc. html McDonald’s to open coffee chain in Japan, 12 July 2007. Retrieved on 20 July 2007 from, http://www. topix. com/drink/2007/07/mcdonalds-to-open-coffee-chain-in-japan Rae, Jeneanne. 27 Nov 2006. The Importance Of Great Customer Experiences? Business Week. Retrieved 20 July 2007 from http://proquest. umi. com/pqdweb? index=60did=1166573331SrchMode=3sid=2Fmt=3VInst=PRODVType=PQDRQT=309VName=PQDTS=1184944933clientId=29440aid=1 UK coffee market set to double over the next 10 years, 23 May 2007, Retrieved on 20 July 07 from, How to cite Starbucks’ Mission: Aligned with Its Strategies, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Electronic Fund Transfer free essay sample

We identified the following informations: location, type, owner, operator, number of transactions, transsactions value, clients, financial scheme and the message format. Keywords: electronic funds transfer, ACH, SWIFT, CHIPS, TARGET. he electronic funds have appeared as a necesity in the nowadays financial industry. The most important reasons are the following: [Patriciu et. all,2004] transaction processing low cost (about 1 dolar/transaction); low time processing (some minutes to maximum 1 day); low risk in the financial messages transmission (private, personal communication networks). Definition: The electronic fund transfer system (EFT Electronic Funds Transfer) represent a set of devices and specific procedures used to make possible the movement of the monetary flux from the payer to the payee, in an exclusive electronic medium. [Patriciu et. all,2004] Electronic Funds Transfer between persons. Generalities The electronic funds transfer between perWestern Union Characteristics Location: Owner: Operator: Services: T sons are made using the two well-known services, MoneyGram and Western Union. We will write a custom essay sample on Electronic Fund Transfer or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They suppose that the sender and the receiver are in an agency where is the logo of the two services. The location of these systems are banks. The money transfer made by using the two systems isn’t especially the result of an commercial act. So it not suppose a payment, because there is a simple money sending from a person to another. Electronic Fund Transfer systems between persons implementations We will present the most important characteristics of the two services mentioned above. We used the informations from the book [Vasilache,2004] and the two companies sites. www. westernunion. com) Description International First Data Corporation 225. 000 locations in over 195 countries Money transfer and messages services A sender (a person) gives to the operator in an agency the money he want to transfer, he mentions the name of the receiver that will receive the money and the agency address. At the sum will be added comissions (10%-15% from the value). The operator will initiate t he transaction using a computer and will comunicate to the sender the MTCN (Money Transfer Central Number), which is the number of the money transfer transaction. The money could be spended in different currencies and could be received in local curency or US $. The spender will comunicate to the receiver this number and the receiver could take the money from the destination agency using this number. He must known the value, the sender identity and the location from where he receives the money. The message is a payment order to the bank where the agency act. Financial scheme: Message format: Revista Informatica Economica nr. 3(47)/2008 93 Moneygram Characteristics Location: Owner: Operator: Services: Financial scheme: Message format: (www. oneygram. com) Description International Viad 60. 000 locations in over 100 countries MoneyGram ® money orders – payment order MoneyGram ® money transfers – money order ExpressPayment ® emergency bill payments – bills The same The message is a payment order to the bank where the agency act. Electronic Funds Transfer between banks. Generalities The banks that use the electronic funds transfer service obey to the same rules as follows: the data format; the transfer details; the time table; the commisions; special conditions etc. All the grown economies have one or more such a services. At this moment they try to unfied these systems (SWIFT Society for Worldwide Interbank Association Telecommunication, SEPA Single European Payment Area). Between the electronic funds transfer, the interbank electronic transfer has the big volume of money transfer, both number of transaction and the value of the transfered funds. The most important characteristics of the interbank electronic funds transfer are: 1. The transfer is made after a transfer order addressed to a bank which is a central bank where are the two bank accounts and the funds transferred are central bank money. . The transfer could be made in real time (from some seconds to some minutes) or could be made in a bank day. 3. The transfer could be individual (gross) or net. the individual transfer suppose that every transaction is processed separately; the net transfer suppose the calculus of the reciproc net financial position between every two banks, which represents the result of the all reciproc sendings and rece ivengs of funds by a day and generally until a fixed and known date. 4. The transfer could be: omestic (national) – the orders transfer are addressed to the central bank; transfrontalier (international) – the orders transfer are addressed to the bank agreed by all banks in the system. The systems could be used by the participants to make different types of payments: between persons (P2P Person to Person); between persons and companies (B2C Business to Customer); between companies (B2B Business to Business); to the central or local administration (P2G Person to Government, B2G Business to Government). Interbank Electronic Fund Transfer systems implementations We will present the most important interbank electronic funds transfer, especially those who have a big value of the transaction. We used the informations from the book [Vasilache, 2004] and the companies sites. A. ACH (Automated Clearing House) Definition: The clearing is the procedure by which an organization acts as an intermediary and assumes the role of a buyer and seller for transactions in order to reconcile orders between transacting parties. 1 Clearing is necessary for the matching of all buy and sell orders in the market. It provides smoother and more efficient markets, as parties can make transfers to the clearing corporation, rather than to each individual party with whom they have transacted. (www. investopedia. com) Definition: The clearing house is an agency 1 www. investopedia. com 94 Revista Informatica Economica nr. 3(47)/2008 or separate corporation of a futures exchange responsible for settling trading accounts, clearing trades, collecting and maintaining margin monies, regulating delivery and reporting trading data (www. investopedia. com). Characteristics Location: Type: Owner: Operator: Number of transactions: Transcations value: Clients: Clearing houses act as third parties to all futures and options contracts as a buyer to every clearing member seller and a seller to every clearing member buyer (www. investopedia. com) Description SUA Domestic, by batch, it isn’t in real time Operate according to the rules of NACHA organization and is formed from 12000 financial institutions The owner of the automated clearing house is the Federal Reserve Banks (the central bank and its subsidiary) or some private operators. There are four ACH operators. One is the central bank, Federal Reserve ACH Operator and three private, one of them is VisaNet ACH Services. 001 8 billion of transactions 22,2 trillion $, cumulated 3,5 million companies and over 100 million clients The ACH transactions (ACH entries) could be: debit or credit transaction. A debit transaction (debit order) is emitted by an originator to a receiver, namely the receiver’s account is debited in favour of the originator account. A credit transaction (cr edit order) produces the invers effect, the receiver’s account is credited from the originator account. The banks who execute a credit transaction (they are debited) have the responsability to find out if there are enough funds in the account that will be debited. The transactions are standardized messages, in many formats, according to the NACHA rules. Financial scheme: Message format: B. FEDWIRE (http://www. federalreserve. gov/paymentsystems/corep rinciples/default. htm) Definition: RTGS (Real Time Gross Settlement Service) – is an individual settlement service in real time, with an immediate finality. (http://www. ffiec. gov/ffiecinfobase/html_pag Characteristics Location: Type: Owner: Operator: Number of transactions: Transcations value: Clients: es/gl_03. tml#R) Definition: Settlement – in the banking transactions is the process of recording the debt and credit positions of the parties implied in the funds transfer. (http://www. ffiec. gov/ffiecinfobase/html_pag es/gl_03. html#R) Description SUA Domestic, individual, in real time (RTGS), for high value transfers (over 50. 000 $) Federal Reserve Banks (the central bank and its subsidiary). There are 9500 financial institutions in the system. Is operated by the Federal Reserv e Banks (the central bank and its subsidiary). 2002 458. 00 transaction/day 1,6 trillion $, cumulated The transaction cost is 0,168 $ and it depends on the number of transactions and not of the value of transaction. It is used by 9500 financial institutions A transfer transaction initiated by a participant is an ireevocabale authorization gived to the central bank to debt the intiator’s account hold by the central bank with a value and to credit with the same value the receiver’s account hold by the central bank. The transfer is final and ireevocabale when one of the 12 regional banks have processed the transaction. In case of the initiator hasn’t enough funds the transfers made by the receiver are guaranteed by the central bank. The message structure is compatible with the SWIFT and CHIPS international funds transfer sys- Financial scheme: Message format: Revista Informatica Economica nr. 3(47)/2008 95 Characteristics Description tems. All the messages are codified and the participants who make the transfer are certified by name and password. The main centre where the transactions are processed (EROC, East Rutherfond Operations Center) has two reserve systems. In the future this system will be transformed in an international funds transfer system. C. TRANSFOND (www. transfond. ro) Transfond was found by the order named Circular number 9/2001, when the National Characteristics Location: Type: Owner: Operator: Number of transactions: Transcations value: Clients: Financial scheme: Message format: Bank of Romania has set up Transfond S. A. , a society with a private capital. Description ROMANIA Domestic, individual, in real time (RTGS), for high value transfers (over 50. 000 RON), but it can be used for low value transfers. The shareholders are all the romanian banks and the National Bank of Romania is the main shareholder. Transfond SA 2003 75. 00 transactions/day (for paper-based payment – money orders) The transaction cost is between 15 and 30 RON. National Bank of Romania, romanian banks, the State Treasury, the authorized settlement houses and other settlement account owners. The system processes the high value payments which are receptioned by the accounts opened at the National Bank of Romania. A transfer transactio n is refused if there aren’t enough funds in the payer’s account. For the foreign currency the system used the SWIFT format message. In the future the Transfond system will be integrated in the european system TARGET. D. SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Association Telecommunication) (www. swift. com) Characteristics Location: Type: Owner: Operator: Number of transactions: Transcations value: Clients: Descriere International Transfrontalier, with individual settlement in real time (RTGS) or with net settlement It is formed by over 7. 800 financial institutions from over 200 countries The system has a powerful centre for transanction processing and a reserve one (in US and Holland)). 20 Decembre 2005 – 11,5 million It doesn’t exist informations Bank’s customers FIN is the main name of the transport and processing of the financial messages. The financial scheme could be: Y (the payment messages could be kept in the central instittution until it issues an authorization or a payment/transfer refuse); T (the messages are sent direct and immediately to the receptor, without the waiting of the central institution authorisation). The Central Bank could belong to a national banks systemor could be a central financial institution, multinational, which provide transfrontalier interbanks settlement. Each participant could have an SWIFT certfied application which is the interface with the system. The messages are codified and their integrity is verfied by an MAC code. The financial messages are SWIFT standardized according to SWIFT rules (messages in MT format, using the ISO 15027 standard). Financial scheme: Message format: E. CHIPS (Clearing House Interbank Payments System) (www. chips. org) Characteristics Location: Type: Owner: Operator: Number of transactions: Description SUA Transfrontalier, but also domestic, in real time, final and irrevocable, with transfer only in USD A big group of banks CHIPS Co. 270. 000 tranzactions 96 Revista Informatica Economica nr. 3(47)/2008 Characteristics Transcations value: Clients: Description 1,4 trillion USD It is formed from big banks from 19 countries and executes 95% from the external payment in US It uses a proper multi-lateral netting method, using a pre-funding procedure to make the liquidities eficient. Let’s suppose that bank A sends 500 million to bank B, which imply a shorten of the available liquidity in the waiting of the payment that must be made to bank C. To eliminate this inconvenient, bank A takes this payment in a waiting queue of the system, where this payment transaction will wait until the Bank C makes the payment. After the arrival of this last transaction, the szstem executes simultaneously a debt of the bank A position and a credit of bank B, with the same sum of the bank A position. As a result of this matching and netting the liquidities of bank A remain the same. In case of doenstt exist such a matching, the pazment will be made at de finish of the day. Evera bank must pefund his account with a sum dynamic established by the system. For the final transaction settlement CHIPS uses the american system Fedwire, and it has the quality of concurent and customer. It is compatible with Fedwire for the final settlement. Financial scheme: Message format: F. TARGET (Trans-European Automated Real-Time Gross Expres Transfer) (www. ecb. int/ecb/legal/pdf/l_01820060123en00010017. pdf) Characteristics Location: Type: Owner: Operator: Number of transactions: Transcations value: Clients: Settlement Description European Union Transfrontalier, with real time gross settlement (RTGS), in euro It was created by interconnection of the national euro systems, RTGS type, with the TARGET centre processing of the EMU (European Monetary Union) ECB (European Central Bank) ECB (European Central Bank) 261. 00 tranzactions 1,65 trillion Euro 3400 banks, with the access to system of about 43. 000 banks from whole the world It uses de SWIFT FIN for its network services and messages transfer To initiate a transfrontalier payment, the participants send the message with de payment order (the transaction) in euro to their national systems, RTGS type, coupled with TARGET, and this system will execute the transaction The participan t will receive the payment message in a format specific to his national system The liquidities from the TARGET system are available permanently to all of participants. The national central banks will provide to the participants the intraday credit, free of charge, in a limit of a sum which will be establish by each participant. SWIFT compatible Financial scheme: Message format: References †¢ [Patriciu et. all,2004] Securitatea comertului electronic, Victor Valeriu Patriciu si altii, Editura All, 2004 (CAP. 4 Sisteme electronice de plati in E-commerce) †¢ [Vasilache,2004] Plati electronice. O introducere, Dr. ing. Dan Vasilache, Editura Rosseti Educational, 2004 (CAP 8. Sisteme de plati si transferuri electronice de fonduri)

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Summary Of The Letter From Birmingham Jail Essay Example For Students

Summary Of The Letter From Birmingham Jail Essay On Good Friday in 1963, 53 blacks, led by Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., marched into downtown Birmingham to protest the existing segregation laws. All were arrested. This caused the clergymen of this Southern town to compose a letter appealing to the black population to stop their demonstrations. This letter appeared in the Birmingham Newspaper. In response, Martin Luther King drafted a document that would mark the turning point of the Civil Rights movement and provide enduring inspiration to the struggle for racial equality. Martin Luther Kings â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail† strives to justify the desperate need for nonviolent direct action, the absolute immorality of unjust laws together with what a just law is, as well as, the increasing probability of the â€Å"Negro† resorting to extreme disorder and bloodshed, in addition to his utter disappointment with the Church who, in his opinion, hadnot lived up to their responsibilities as people of God. Kings justification to the eight clergymen for protesting segregation begins with a profound explanation of their actions, â€Å"Nonviolent direct action seeks to create such a crisisand foster such a tension that a community which has constantly refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issue†. The actions of the African American people are overdue and very well planned as King had explained in the letter. Their quest was to force the white politicians to negotiate and actually heed the requests for desegregation. As King explains, â€Å"past promises have been broken by the politicians and merchants of Birmingham and now is the time to fulfill the natural right of all people to be treated equal†. Violence is not what King wants, he simply wants unjust laws to change and the Supreme Courts 1954 ruling to be upheld. We will write a custom essay on Summary Of The Letter From Birmingham Jail specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Secondly, King’s answer to the clergymens assertion that breaking the law is not the way to achieve the results the African American is looking for. â€Å"Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. I would agree with St. Augustine that, an unjust law is no law at all†. King does not feel that they have broken the law, his definitive answer to the clergymen is that a law that is not morally sound is not a law. Laws are made to protect the people not degrade and punish. As far as King is concerned, the African American will continue to do whatever is necessary, preferably non-violently, to obtain the legal and moral right that is theirs. If they are not allowed this peaceful expression of the needs they so desire, it could lead to a much uglier action. Dr. King expressed his concern that if something is not done with these feelings andabsolute needs of the African American there will be violence and mayhem. â€Å"The Negro hasmany pent-up resentme nts and latent frustrations, and he must release them. So let himMarch†. History has shown that if a person or people are ignored they will become violent and fight for their â€Å"God-given† rights. King diligently explained that â€Å"black nationalist† groups are becoming prevalent in society and he has faith that the â€Å"Negro Church† has had direct influence in keeping the violence from erupting. However, how can they are expected to stay complacent?Finally, the sheer frustration King felt was with the Church in general. â€Å"In deep disappointment I have wept over the laxity of the church. There can be no deep disappointment where there in not deep love†. This is probably the most heartbreaking assertion King makes. He feels that the Church has skirted its responsibilities to the African American people, hiding behind â€Å"anesthetizing security of stained-glass windows†. King summarizes his letter by making the point that he hopes that the Church will see its responsibilities â€Å"its† means it is/you need its as people of God and understand the need for direct action, the justification of unjust laws and the impending danger of the African American rising up in violence if they are not heard. Martin Luther King does this all in a diplomatic, heartfelt and completely inoffensive voice. .ucf9527f97839217b53c9929d8b59df4f , .ucf9527f97839217b53c9929d8b59df4f .postImageUrl , .ucf9527f97839217b53c9929d8b59df4f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ucf9527f97839217b53c9929d8b59df4f , .ucf9527f97839217b53c9929d8b59df4f:hover , .ucf9527f97839217b53c9929d8b59df4f:visited , .ucf9527f97839217b53c9929d8b59df4f:active { border:0!important; } .ucf9527f97839217b53c9929d8b59df4f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ucf9527f97839217b53c9929d8b59df4f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ucf9527f97839217b53c9929d8b59df4f:active , .ucf9527f97839217b53c9929d8b59df4f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ucf9527f97839217b53c9929d8b59df4f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ucf9527f97839217b53c9929d8b59df4f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ucf9527f97839217b53c9929d8b59df4f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ucf9527f97839217b53c9929d8b59df4f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ucf9527f97839217b53c9929d8b59df4f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ucf9527f97839217b53c9929d8b59df4f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ucf9527f97839217b53c9929d8b59df4f .ucf9527f97839217b53c9929d8b59df4f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ucf9527f97839217b53c9929d8b59df4f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Symbolism In Heart Of Darkness Essay